
Wills & Trusts

A Will protects your assets and ensure your wishes are carried out on your death; everyone should have one. Some Wills have a Trust as an extra protection, we can explain when to use one and help to set them up.

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Probate, the administration of your estate after your death is an essential but complicated process. Savigny can assist executors through the detailed bureaucratic process, easing the burden on your loved ones.

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Protections & Entitlements

There are a number of entitlements we can help you apply for including a Council Tax Reduction or Blue Badge. We also help with legal procedures you may not know of that help protect your property such as Severance of Joint Tenancy.

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Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) give a trusted family member or friend the authority to make decisions on your behalf when you are no longer mentally able. They ensure people who really care for you will make the decisions that affect you.

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Attendance Allowance

You can claim Attendance Allowance if you're over State Pension age and need regular help with your personal care, even if that help is from a family member. Applying is simple but the form is complex, we simplify the process for you.

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