Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) are a straightforward and sensible way of preparing for a time when you may not be able to make decisions for yourself.
There are two types, Health & Welfare and Property & Finance, we recommend you do both.
Lasting Powers of Attorney give a trusted family member or friend (the Attorney) the authority to make decisions on your behalf when you are no longer mentally able. They ensure people who really care for you will make the decisions that affect you.
They are simple legal documents that need to be completed and signed by you and the people you nominate as Attorneys, then registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
Imagine falling unwell following an accident, a stroke or the onset of dementia. Sadly, in these cases people often lose the mental capacity to make the decisions that affect their future and wellbeing.
A Health & Welfare LPA would enable your Attorneys to make decisions related to your health and personal welfare, for example what sort of care you receive.
A Property & Finance LPA would enable your Attorneys to do things like draw your pension, pay your bills or sell your property on your behalf.
We are happy to help you understand how LPA's work and when they apply. Please contact Savigny for a friendly discussion.
We make it easy for you to understand, complete and register your LPA's
To discover the friendly service that offers you peace of mind for your lasting power of attorney and more
On behalf of APS Legal & Associates Ltd, Head office: Worksop Turbine Innovation Centre, Shireoaks Triangle Business Park, Coach Close, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 8AP
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